does anyone still check up on me?
so sorry it's been so long. life has been so amazing and incredible i don't want to waste a moment 'typing' about it... but it's not right to deprive you all of the goodness! let's see... where to begin.
The last time I blogged was June, right? So four months later this is where I'm at... a married woman! hoorah. Marriage is such an incredible gift from God! I'm loving every moment of it. Caleb is uh-mazing in every way... it blows me away how much he loves me. (:
I should post photo's of our house soon. I don't think I've taken any pictures of it yet... perhaps I should clean it.
Let's seeeee.... the wedding! Seriously, I think I should win an award for the most stress free wedding. The day was beautiful and everything leading up to it just seemed to all work together. My parents helped out so much and praise the Lord that my family was all brought together by the Lord for this day. It was great, everything I wanted and more. cheesy, I know, but so true. God pulled all things together and blessed Caleb and I so so so much. His presence that day was overwhelming.

It's been a blast living together and being with each other so much more. He's so much fun! We went camping earlier this month and that was spontaneous and great. We bought our first washer and dryer unit... and we finally unpacked every box in our house! It's great fun.
now I must go and find something to eat.