

it just hit me.

i've been in Bible College for almost 2 complete years... but... i still have so much more to learn. it seems like this semester things are all the sudden starting to click in my brain. "wow, that makes so much sense now!" haha. its weird... going into it i figured by the time i graduated i'd be set, have it all figured out, know where i was going, how i'm going to live my life. and to a certain extent i do know. i know that i'm going to live the rest of my life to glorify God in everything i do. that's the obvious vision i have... i'm going to go where He leads, follow the plan that He has placed on my life. but still, i've realized that there's so much more to learn! "umm, God, could i spend about 5 more years in Bible College and then you can send me out?"  i don't  want to be a coward. i'm going to take His hand and let Him lead, let Him teach, and let myself see the amazing ways that He works through me. I've done my best so I'll let God do the rest! (: i think Papa Chuck said that in a track not too long ago.

i'm getting so much out of this semester and it's a tremendous blessing. God is so good. I keep on having these reoccurring dreams that I'm back in Germany for the semester and then i wake up feeling like i'm in the wrong place... but this is where He has me for now and there's no where else i'd rather be than in His will. 

Praise Him!

1 comment:

Tamiko said...

Sharon, my mikan! I miss you. You did get one of my other two dreams right. Hawaii is already included in my traveling dream.

How did you not know that Melissa rocks out!?!? She always did with your guitar in good 'ole room 6.

Haha...j/k. She just started the other day. She's trying to get that RelientK song down, but she's been saying that she wants to learn to play the guitar quite often recently.

I'm glad you're having a blessed time there. I sometimes feel like I missed whole gist of Bible college...hmmm. But life has so much more after Bible college...I'm still in the bewildered state.

Love you friend!