


most of the time now, when i think about updating my blog, i imagine myself in the cafe' at CCBC Siegen. it's very nostalgic.

anyways, i starting missing how i don't update my blog as much anymore... i was so good at it. which is somewhat shocking to me. but whatever. i guess i think that since i'm not in a foreign country anymore my life must not be exciting anymore. i guess you can be the judge of that.

this past week was spring break! it went by waaay too fast... i was supposed to catch up on homework, lots of homework, but that didn't work out too well. now i'm back at school trying to manage my time well enough to stay on top of it all and i find out that i have a paper due today!... go figure. no worries though. not a big deal. i'll just blog instead. hmmm.... some things never change. 

so yesterday was Easter Sunday, the church was full of fun and excitement! we played with a fuller full band. ha. it was uh-mazing. sam on drums, david on bass, val and coleen singing, papa leading it on his taylor, caleb on the strat, and me on the tele. two electric guitars! it sounded so good, i never knew adding that third guitar would give so much. sounded like we were in a studio. haha. it was a really sweet time of worship. one of the coolest things about being up there is when you're worshiping and you can hear the congregation in chorus singing straight back. so sweet. God is so good, and so worthy of our praise. 

tonight we have "The Life", our college group here at CC South Maui. it's also a fun time. Caleb leads worship with me and another student, it's been super rad being able to play with him every week. something i missed so much when i was in Germany. but anyways, it's about time I get going. i have a ton of new photo's but i have yet to upload them. did i say what my M1 was for this semester?... "official school photographer" now i'm being graded for my work! haha, kidding. it's been fun. and i have an excuse to be annoyingly clicking away. 

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