So we raise up holy hands to praise the Holy One who was, and is, and is to come.

so yeah.
it's weird thinking that this is my last semester in Bible College...
what the heck are you going to do after this? haha, that's what i want to know!
it's good to know that He already knows what i'm going to do. He knows where i'll be and
what i'm going to become. what a comforting thought.
it's amazing how fast these past two years have gone by. i know i always blog about how fast time slips away, but seriously! it really has been going by faster these past couple years. maybe it just seems that way cause i've changed the most in those years. God is so good, He knows exactly where we need to be. the people we need to meet. the words we need to hear. all in order to grow in grace and further His kingdom. it blows my mind when He shows me just how much He loves me by how personal He is with me. wow. wow. wow! it's cwazy.
well, i'm getting that bug again... you know, the one that itches and scratches when you think of a place away from the here and now.
somewhere distant and magical.
a new experience, a new adventure, a new culture.
oh my, that sounds grand!
it'll be cool after Caleb and i get married cause we really want to travel. soooo, i really hope and pray that it happens. God knows our desire and, when we're seeking after Him, His desires become our desires... how cool is that? i'm seeing things play out already and it's so rad! just amazing things that i didn't think were possible... radical things are happening. why does He do things i don't deserve? cause He loves me so much! my heart feels like it's going to burst with praise and rejoicing when i think of His faithfulness.
You are good, You are good, and Your love endures.
1 comment:
Just had to say how I'm smiling at your post!
I remember how OPEN life feels when you're with your love....and it's TRUE...the Lord can take you ANY place and it will be amazing just serving by his side....for HIM!
Enjoy dear....we're praying for you guys!
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