

it all comes down to this.

haha, okay. so i've been waiting 3 years for this moment! i'm graduating tonight and i'm sooo excited! 

it's going to be great... and i'm writing my speech right now.


wedogmomma said...

Congrats sweet Sharon!
Graduation AND a wedding all in one's the ONLY way to do it ;)
I say that coming from experience

Valen said...

Dear sharon each time i come into ur blog my heart fills with gladness and hope. cause we DO have a great God... look at u girl! all those wonderfull things that a girl could ever dream, having a calvary chapel in ur own town, getting marreid with the man u love, graduaing from BIBLE SCHOOL!... not for a regular and bored one...

seriously.... i wish my life were the half of beautiful that yours!!!

but im happy cause we ´ve shared a semester and it was such ablessing to got to know a wonderful woman as u.

Keep sharing us hope... =)

from glory to glory.. i really love that verse. - Valentina from Argentina. =)