

something new.

I'm engaged!... to be married!
wow. how exciting, huh? it's a crazy concept... like i knew i'd always get married and i knew i was going to marry Caleb. But it's really strange actually beginning to plan a wedding. plus there's so much to it! myyy goodness. colors, dresses, cake, food in general, venues, guest lists (ah!), chairs and tables? haha, it'll be fun to plan a huge party... but, as so many people say, "it's not about the wedding! it's about the marriage!" oh, too true. so then there's the question i have to ask myself, "am i even ready to get married?!" all i know is that it's a mystery... i'm not even sure how it all ended up like this. God is so so so good. the ways He works... the ways He provides... the ways He gives. it's all too good for me and way too much for me to ever fully grasp. So, I trust Him and that He'll teach the both of us along the way. But pray that I learn a lot in this period of "engagement". cause, "it's really nice, but i don't want to be [engaged] forever."

"All I want to do is grow old with you..."

1 comment:

wedogmomma said...

Mmmmm...yes, I don't think ANY of us were really 'ready' to get's a trial by fire kinda thing....but the ride is THE BEST one you'll ever begin :D

We're thrilled for you dear! And SO sad we can't crash your party with a quick return to Maui!
(as if you don't have enough people to invite ;)

Just make sure you keep talk, talk, talking during your's easy to get busy and just start taking each other for granted as you plan this HUGE event. Have SUCH a blast and take all this random advice with a grain of serve a MIGHTY God who will guide you better than any other person ever could.
Hopping off my soap box now ;)
love ya,