

a tribute to.

First and foremost, my BFFEEE (that stands for Best Friend Forever and Ever and Ever and Ever.) haha. My Fiancé, Caleb McLellan. "capital M-c capital L-e-l-l-a-n, get used to spelling that." yeah, i love him more than anything or anyone. oh my, so much to say and yet i feel like i just want to keep it all to myself. He's uh-maaazing... and he loves me! wow. I never knew I would be the one who was blessed with the privilege of have the most amazing friend in the whole entire world and get to spend the rest of my life with him. okay, yeah, this is going to be cheesy. but what do you expect? I'm in love. 

alright, alright, so he's a total goofball and we don't always understand each other. but what we lack in that we make up for in commitment, and it's a work in progress. i know we can only grow more and more and it's exciting! we're getting married the 7th of August and i'm already counting down the days. God has blessed us beyond measure and He continues to blow our minds with the grace He has pored out on our lives. he's a huge help and encourager, always there to pick me up and make sure I'm doing the best I can. and myyy goodness, he's soooo handsome.

Cara-Poo. where do i even begin? this girl is hysterical! what is the percentage of time spent together that we just sit there and laugh... for whatever reason. it's most likely something totally different from the time we began to the 5 minutes later when we finally catch our breath. speaking of which, she is a breath of fresh air. whatever we do it's just relaxing and a time to be ourselves and unwind. for the longest time we didn't even realize how good of friends we could be and i wish we could have that time back cause now we're apart and closer in heart but i wish we were together. she's going to be a bridesmaid! woohoo! i wouldn't of had it any other way. we just get each other... even when it makes no sense, you know? yeah, i know. 

She's been such an encouragement to me over the years and a huge blessing. life would be so boring without her laugh to make me laugh. 

"boys are whatever- God is forever!"
(sorry Caleb, i don't mean that first part now...)

uh-LISH-uh! oh, how i miss thee! let me count the ways... sitting with you every morning in 'dewotions', eating dön-shanks and drinking coca-cola that we had saved for those nights, having urgent heart-to-hearts right when i needed them, memorizing 26 verses in like 3 days but most the night before. oh my, talk about a best friend. from the moment we met each other we were addicted... always side by side. like peanut butter and jelly, pompom and homestaw, espresso and steamed milk (or in your case, just chocolate and steamed milk), left and right hand mittens? like Paul's greetings! grace and peace... it was obviously meant to be. i just miss being around you so so so much. you truly were my best friend those four, long, cold months in Germany. I don't know what i would've done without you, seriously! God is so good in the way He brought us together, if it weren't for the love of traveling you have and the island fever i had it would of been a lot harder for us to meet. but He knew. and you would of had barely any photo's of your first semester. (;

Jesse VK. oh, what a lovely lady. one of my closest friends through all four semesters. someone very close and dear to my heart. She has the most beautiful heart that encourages everyone around her. She truly lives out the Word and has an incredible heart that desires the Lord. She loves everyone around her, which astounds me! One of those kindred spirit kind of gals... we just get along with each other and it's a blast! whether we're having a heart to heart, a lazy day, or being mischievous... which we tend to be more often than not. God truly knew what He was doing when He brought her into my life. I admire her so and her thrill of adventures... haha. she is a treasure! a bwight and shoining staw afaw off in the darkest skies. 

oh, and she has the biggest smile... ever!

last, but not least, my sisters (Val Pal and Smereena). oh my, how i love them. they're my best friends because... they are my sisters and nothing comes between blood. haha. also, they love me so much... i know this because they've forgiven me time and time again. amazing, huh? we're each super different, but just enough a like to drive each other crazy. there's so much love and comfort in their presence with just enough teasing and sassy sarcasm. But above all they love the Lord. I know they will be here for me and i for them... although not always in the physical state. we're there for each other. Like Moses in Exodus 17, we can be the Aaron and Hur for one another in a sense. and it's a gift from God, everyone of my sisters.


The Holy One.

So we raise up holy hands to praise the Holy One who was, and is, and is to come.

so yeah.

it's weird thinking that this is my last semester in Bible College...
what the heck are you going to do after this? haha, that's what i want to know!
it's good to know that He already knows what i'm going to do. He knows where i'll be and 
what i'm going to become. what a comforting thought. 

it's amazing how fast these past two years have gone by. i know i always blog about how fast time slips away, but seriously! it really has been going by faster these past couple years. maybe it just seems that way cause i've changed the most in those years. God is so good, He knows exactly where we need to be. the people we need to meet. the words we need to hear. all in order to grow in grace and further His kingdom. it blows my mind when He shows me just how much He loves me by how personal He is with me. wow. wow. wow! it's cwazy. 

well, i'm getting that bug again... you know, the one that itches and scratches when you think of a place away from the here and now.
somewhere distant and magical.
a new experience, a new adventure, a new culture.
oh my, that sounds grand! 
it'll be cool after Caleb and i get married cause we really want to travel. soooo, i really hope and pray that it happens. God knows our desire and, when we're seeking after Him, His desires become our desires... how cool is that? i'm seeing things play out already and it's so rad! just amazing things that i didn't think were possible... radical things are happening. why does He do things i don't deserve? cause He loves me so much! my heart feels like it's going to burst with praise and rejoicing when i think of His faithfulness. 

You are good, You are good, and Your love endures.



most of the time now, when i think about updating my blog, i imagine myself in the cafe' at CCBC Siegen. it's very nostalgic.

anyways, i starting missing how i don't update my blog as much anymore... i was so good at it. which is somewhat shocking to me. but whatever. i guess i think that since i'm not in a foreign country anymore my life must not be exciting anymore. i guess you can be the judge of that.

this past week was spring break! it went by waaay too fast... i was supposed to catch up on homework, lots of homework, but that didn't work out too well. now i'm back at school trying to manage my time well enough to stay on top of it all and i find out that i have a paper due today!... go figure. no worries though. not a big deal. i'll just blog instead. hmmm.... some things never change. 

so yesterday was Easter Sunday, the church was full of fun and excitement! we played with a fuller full band. ha. it was uh-mazing. sam on drums, david on bass, val and coleen singing, papa leading it on his taylor, caleb on the strat, and me on the tele. two electric guitars! it sounded so good, i never knew adding that third guitar would give so much. sounded like we were in a studio. haha. it was a really sweet time of worship. one of the coolest things about being up there is when you're worshiping and you can hear the congregation in chorus singing straight back. so sweet. God is so good, and so worthy of our praise. 

tonight we have "The Life", our college group here at CC South Maui. it's also a fun time. Caleb leads worship with me and another student, it's been super rad being able to play with him every week. something i missed so much when i was in Germany. but anyways, it's about time I get going. i have a ton of new photo's but i have yet to upload them. did i say what my M1 was for this semester?... "official school photographer" now i'm being graded for my work! haha, kidding. it's been fun. and i have an excuse to be annoyingly clicking away. 


something new.

I'm engaged!... to be married!
wow. how exciting, huh? it's a crazy concept... like i knew i'd always get married and i knew i was going to marry Caleb. But it's really strange actually beginning to plan a wedding. plus there's so much to it! myyy goodness. colors, dresses, cake, food in general, venues, guest lists (ah!), chairs and tables? haha, it'll be fun to plan a huge party... but, as so many people say, "it's not about the wedding! it's about the marriage!" oh, too true. so then there's the question i have to ask myself, "am i even ready to get married?!" all i know is that it's a mystery... i'm not even sure how it all ended up like this. God is so so so good. the ways He works... the ways He provides... the ways He gives. it's all too good for me and way too much for me to ever fully grasp. So, I trust Him and that He'll teach the both of us along the way. But pray that I learn a lot in this period of "engagement". cause, "it's really nice, but i don't want to be [engaged] forever."

"All I want to do is grow old with you..."