life is going by faster than ever... i feel like i say that every entry. but it's true. unlike the title implies, i haven't packed to go home yet. but it's only another ten days or so until that happens. but what that statement does imply is that the Copeland cd is still more amazing than everrr.

i'm not really sure what to "update" on. i'm still alive. still healthy. God is good. always. school is going well, pray for my New Testament final cause that's what i'm worried about... it just seems like there's not enough time for class... but if i could go back to the beginning of the semester i pretty much would have started studying the first week of school for the final i'm supposed to take next Thursday morning... intense, to say the least.
I had another döner last night... one of my last for who knows how long. but sooo good. i took photo's of it too for any of you questioning peoples... it's pretty much the most amazing thing you could ever eat. and so filling. it's ridiculous. but i love the way it brings joy to people... haha. seriously.

i miss Ho'okipa... ah, it's so beautiful over there... i can close my eyes and see the ocean and the little windsurfers out there. lovely.
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