alright, it's here. i'm leaving Germany and it's the end of my third semester. crazy, huh? sometimes life seems like it'll never get moving along, and then before you know it POOF it's gone. this semester went by fast but it was well spent. i can say that with confidence.

well, the photo is of my dorm at our final "dorm meeting". such an amazing room, hands down. haha. as we can see none of us are tan... anyways, it'll be weird. i've learned to live with these girls for the past 3 1/2 months. i remember when i first moved in... that feels like sooo long ago. it's really strange... but we had a good time that night at The Black Sheep... really good food and amazing ice cream. it was fun.
so tonight is graduation! pretty exciting, there's a good size group of graduates. then i leave at 4am tomorrow morning... and then it's another 28 or 29 hours of traveling... something insane like that. so just pray that i would get home safely, it'll be sad traveling by myself... but another good experience to add to the list i suppose. anyways, i'm today we have dorm cleaning... did i mention that already? hmm... we have a bigger room, but i'm thinking it'll probably be easier. i was able to stuff everything in my suitcase! Praise Him, my family will have presents for Christmas. (:
i suppose it's time to say goodbye, i'll still blog when i'm home of course... do not fret my dears. life in Maui will be different, but so good. i'll keep you all updated. i love you all and safe travels to everyone.
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