the past couple days back have been good for the most part. it's cool getting to see everyone again and i know i'm going to miss them all as a whole when the semester's over. but we won't talk about that now... except this one thought.
it's strange to me how fast life goes by... you're only in a certain place for what seems like a moment. i'm constantly changing... always growing... and always seeing things in a different light and through a different perspective. in a way i like it a lot. cause i look back to where i was last year and i realize i've changed so much, praise the Lord. but being here this semester i really have to force myself to slow time down. i'm having a really great time here and i love it, this season in my life has been so amazing. and i know God is doing so much in my heart. it hurts cause it's been through so many "stretching's". i think it's just because i miss my family and Caleb so much, a part of me wants to be there with them. yet, i know it's so much better to be here for now. so, i'll make it to the end. sometimes i just get really excited about going home though, and it's funny to me cause if i really really really think about it i realize... i don't miss Maui at all. yes, a sad thought, but true. but i know that when i do get back home it'll be the perfect timing and i'll be happy to be there. i just don't like missing people there and then going home and missing the people here. :( hmm.... life is tricky.
as a regular update, health seems like it's been an issue as of lately... i got sick yesterday after coming back from Vienna. Melli is sick too... and i'm not sure if anyone else is. but hopefully no one will get too sick. so far it's just a sore throat, headache, stuffy nose type deal. yuck, i was just reminded of the summer when it seemed like i was sick every other week. bleh. anyways, i was off gummies and coca-cola for awhile but i'm slowing forming the habit of eating them on a regular basis again. probably not good cause i aaammm sick.... oh well, i'm never good at nursing myself back to health anyways.
in more exciting news... i received my second package yesterday! it was amazing. it made me so happy. i was pulling it all out one by one and showing Melissa (my roommate) everything as i was doing so. it was lovely. i think i've already eaten a ton of M&M's... delicious. and a bag of cheez-it'z.... amazing. i'm stoked to make the salad dressing and sharing it with a select few... haha, just kidding. but all that to say, it blessed me. :) thank you wonderful family! AND my sister's decorated it for me. :) so nice.

this photo is for Tamiko, ice cream from Vienna. so lecker!
Mmmmm, lecker! It would have been better if you could have actually brought one home freezed packed, but I will take the thought of it and the wunderbaren picture. Danke tomodachi :)
"so pick me up, pick me up a-gain!"
definitely the song of the week in my head! love it.
and love you.
and i will miss you this weekend, :(
and get better!
love, friede, freude, fritz, and barmherzigkeit.
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