mmm, such a good song.
so right now i'm contemplating eating a delicious banana. :) it says it's from Ecuador? That's such a long trip from there to Germany for such a little bananer...
i'm listening to Hillsong right now and it's making me miss the telecaster an extremely large amount. It's that pathetic that I miss a guitar? well, it's true! i do... and i'll admit it. today i was recording some stuff and just messing around on garage band trying to make my acoustic sound like an electric through all the affects. it was sad... cause it didn't sound anything like it.
hmm, i lost my phone charger... figures... i use it as an alarm (the phone, not the charger... obviously.) so i'm using Alisha as an alarm and having her wake me up in the mornings. haha! i really need to find it though cause it's really frustrating and i looked through ALL of my stuff and i can't find it... God, please open my eyes.
in other news my friend Anjulie gave me this amazing scarf and then she made an even more amazing hat. they're both so lovely. haha, and i'm going to be a total macnerd and upload them from photobooth... you know, just so you can see.

and this one's for mom... hi mom!
mmkay, i'm done.
i love you, rose!
-annabelle. [how do you even spell that?]
that works for me! i love you too, Annabelle!
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