So Germany life is going swell. I'm really loving it here and enjoying this time that God has set apart to reveal more of Himself to me in every day life. For the past couple weeks in Guest Lectures they've split up us guys and girls and we had the opportunity to hear Shannon Woodward teach (my Revelation teachers wife). She has an amazing testimony and a ton of stories about the million different ways God has blessed her in subtle but ginormous ways. She's an amazing woman and full of godly wisdom and truth.
Last week she taught on not dwelling on the past but always looking to what's ahead... somewhat cliche' but so true. A quote she said was something about a man who was faced with a brain tumor and he had to go into surgery risking loosing his eyesight or part of his memory. When the doctor asked which one he would rather have the man said, "I would rather have my sight... I want to see where I'm going rather than where I've been." There's good reasons to look back, like to remember God's goodness and hand in my life. But there's time when I look back and hurt when I should just forget about my past and turn my eyes to Jesus and what's ahead... or even right in front of me.
Anyways, that's something God's been reminding me of over this weekend and it's been good meditating on it. Soooo... I just thought I would share that with you all.
German Coke is so much better and you know it!
no... i don't agree.
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