it goes a little something like this:
"Jesus is the best friend i ever had, ain't never done me nothing but good and He took away the bad... ba-ba-ba... He lifts me up when I am down and He cheers me when I'm saaad. Jesus is the best friend i ever had."
well, so far today has been a good day. I realized that a lot of times I can leave myself open to so much and not even realize it. you know, just in my thought pattern and such... it's weird. this morning we had a quest speaker in devo's and he was sharing about how easily we can judge the wrong things that people do and begin to think so highly of ourselves. We get into this thought like, "wow God, I sure am glad that I don't act like that." and "Lord, you really need to discipline that person for the wrong actions they're doing." self-righteousness... what a downfall of mine. He applied to our dorm life and how even though there are those certain people that just drive us crazy we are still called to love them... and I'm sure God has so much more reason of putting them in my life than to just bug the heck out of me. like those people i think could never be my friend or I could never get to know could be a really encouraging friend or someone God wants to use to help me grow. OR even use me! whoa. that's a crazy thought. 'cause it's in times when I'm going through all this in my head that I think, "God, how in the world can you use me effectively?" but He does! He's so amazing. I think I went into this whole "dorm life" unprepared, I noticed that the first few weeks were really hard and it was a constant battle for myself to just get over myself and "my needs". I can be so selfish at times... or all the time. But in just admitting that to God, and asking Him for more love, He's been filling me with more and more patience daily for them. And please don't get me wrong, I love my roomies and they're great! It's just those silly little adjustments that you have to make and at first seem SO inconvenient. haha. oh, and i was just reminded of this sweet application that David made in his Revelation class... He was talking about teamwork and how if we want to stand strong together then it will require sacrifice. But that's a good thing, otherwise I'm sure we'd all be super selfish ugly people. He said something like it's the flesh taht causes division and sacrifice is the only thing that can break through that. He used the example of marriage and how it you must put your spouse above yourself and how it's the same in every circumstance and every relationship. Most of the time you're going to have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good. You know, take one for the team. So do it for others and definitely don't sacrifice for self-glorification... I'm sure there's no reward for that.
tomorrow I have "James for Women" class with Inga-Lill. Probably one of my favorite classes. She's a great teacher and has been bringing us healthy snacks... it's so nice. like last week she brought these tiny little grapes from her vine, sooo good. I'm trying to finish up my homework for that class before the night is over. so far so good, i really like her style. it causes me to dig deep to find the answer to whatever questions she's asking and not rely on head knowledge (not that i really have a good amount) cause they're mostly subjective questions. Anyways, I'm loving it here and I'm so glad I have this time away from everything that's familiar to me and I get to press forward and see and experience new things. It's very exciting.
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