God, He's so incredibly big. Sometimes I feel strange writing updates on here... seems like i never know what to put into words the amazing things that He's doing in me. This past week was speaker's week, a whole 5 days that we as students get off from class and have the opportunity to sit in lectures by guest speakers. The speaker's this week were, Gayle Erwin, Heather Mercer, and of course, the Holy Spirit. Gayle spoke to us on servanthood, "The Jesus Style", a book I recommend to everyone to read. Whether you're a believer or not, he paints an amazing "out of the ordinary" picture of who Jesus really was when He came to the world as a man. It was challenging to read it, in ways I didn't expect... but such a blessing. Heather is a woman with a powerful testimony of God's sovereignty and how even in the midst of a hopeless situation He gives hope. She's a missionary and in March 2001 she was a part of a team of eight people who went to do ministry in Afghanistan. She was there for four months before she was arrested by the Taliban a month prior to the attack of September 11th. She was held in 5 different prisons in the area of Kabol until her rescue on November 13, 2001. What a sweet opportunity to listen to what these two speaker's had to say about the amazing things God has done in their lives and who He is, not only to them but to all of us.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts that your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9
what a comforting thought. I know that as human, I am finite. but God is infinite. I'm a fickle pickle... but God never changes. He's God- He knows all. but sometimes.... I'm really stupid... and i don't trust Him. but how could I not??? He's proved Himself faithful, in the past, in the present, and i know that i know that i know that He will be faithful in the future.
So yeah, just a thought... God has shown me some incredible things this past week, life-changing i believe. and yeah, that's a bold statement. but you know what? that's what God's into... changing lives. :)
I hope anyone who is reading this is encouraged, thanks for checking up. I'll try keeping up with the updates... it's just been super busy this past week. but anyways, i love you all and i'm thinking about you. 5 more weeks and i'm home. cwazy.

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