God chooses to work in super unique ways... however He sees fit. and i like that about Him.
I know I've said it a ton of times before but God is so good! and He is so faithful... and I know that He is doing amazing things here. He is moving and dealing with so much in me. geez, He's incredible.
I remember praying before I came out here, just for a friend. No big deal, I knew I was coming out here on my own not knowing aaanyone really. And it seemed really intimidating. So I prayed that there would be a girl out here who I could just click with, a friend. Well, God is good. Everyone out here is amazing and sweet and cool and quirky. haha, but from the very first day Alisha (a little girl from Ohio) and I have been at each other's side, it's been almost a month now and I know she is a very dear friend indeed. In fact, I'm pretty sure today was the first day we didn't sit next to each other in devo's only because I did worship this morning so I sat in the front row. But I hope you understand what I'm saying and don't think I'm saying this just to say this. It's funny, cause as time goes on I know our bond is growing stronger. and i love that because it's really an answer to prayer. and God was faithful in blessing me with a friend. so cool!

God is really arousing my heart for worship, He is so worthy of my praise. But even then I'm so unworthy to be in His presence. but since I first came here He's been speaking to my heart when it comes to worship... it's personal, you know? He's so intimate and so delicate with me when in reality what I need is a slap across the face to wake up and truly love Him with all my heart... He's working on me, I just feel so insufficient but He completes me. and that's so rad.

Anyways, I really like the train here... I'm not sure exactly why but it always seems like an adventure to go buy a train ticket and sit there and such. it's a train! and last time I checked there's not a set train schedule in those Sandwich Islands. I'm really looking forward to outreach week and traveling. Haven't done any traveling yet, but there's another outreach that I'm going on later this semester to a different part in Germany. So, if you remember, please keep outreach week in prayer. I know God has amazing things planned. Just keep all the different teams in prayer while we're all going on outreaches in October. (18th-25th) That would be greatly appreciated. :) I'm not sure where I'm going yet... but soon I shall decide for sure. (I have 'til next Thursday) There's places like Ireland, Vienna, Prague, London, Frankfurt, and everywhere! but as a reminder... you know... if you suddenly start thinking of trains all the time... just remember to pray for the students here who are going to be traveling a lot next month. That would be greatly appreciated.