ok, so I know the last post was one of tragedy... but don't give up just yet!
pretty much 5 days before I leave God allows me to find my camera! I was so ecstatic... it was hiding under a pile of hats. cwazy little camewa. God is so good! something I was just praying about the other day was that I would be content without a camera. but I was so bummed... just thinking how I would be able to keep sane without a camera for 4 months in a foreign country. I knew God would provide, and hey, He did! He always does. Anyways, I just thought I'd share that with you.
3 more days until I leave... see my suitcase behind me?
yay a blog! i have one too. mines not too exciting. i basically post pics here and there..and write ramble on about nothing all the time...for my friend meghan to read! its fun though. i will be checking in on you missy! so sad you are actually leaving tomorrow...craziness....
It is so unreal to me that you are actually leaving....i can't believe it, but yet at the same time I am so excited for you. I know that this time in your life you will be so incredibly blessed....i am torn...I love you....you will be missed for sure!
<3 Mom
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