

birthday weekend!

It is now post birthday for me and I am in my 23rd year of life... happy birthday to Sharon (I know you were thinking it)! Gosh, you guys... How in the world do I already have a husband and a TODDLER!!?? what the... not freaking out over here or anything, but seriously, I am one blessed woman! So... you came here because you want to hear about my weekend? Maybe browse over a handful of photos? Alright, here it is:


 Caleb and I planned to spend Saturday/Sunday in Hana with our dearest of friends, the Markoya's! It was our first camping trip since having Harrison and our first time going to Hana since we moved back last August! sidenote: can't believe we've already been back on island for a year! So even though we had been "planning" this for about a month we packed up the night before and headed out early Saturday to claim our camp spot. After we set everything up we walked down to the Seven Pools and chilled for a couple hours. Harrison loved the cool water and playing with all the rocks, it is so fun to see his curious mind at work. We just hung out around the campsite in the evening, ate tons of food, and played some games. 

In the morning Jess and I took a mini hike up the trail that goes to the 200 ft. waterfall. We didn't have time to make it all the way up as the boys were packing up the tents. We just went up enough to reach this Banyan tree, talk, and have a great time while getting our heart rates up. On our way back we noticed how incredibly clear the sky was and that we could see the big island super well! After the guys had everything packed we took off to Homoa but when we got there some rain clouds came in so I didn't pull out my camera. ): 

We all had a great time and Harrison did pretty good... we had no clue how he would react to sleeping in a tent and being outside so much but he really liked it! Most things in life are trial and error when it comes to having a one year old. Some things we'll do different next time. (: And obviously this face is saying, "Alright Mom, it's time to go home now!" 

When we got back to Paia we stopped and had lunch at Milagro's. I kind of realized that for the past 4 years, at least, I've eaten enchilada's on my birthday... not on purpose! But since I realized it this year I guess it has become a tradition... so yeah, I ordered enchilada's. (: I feel so incredibly blessed to have Caleb and Harrison, Caleb did an amazing job making me feel super special... I love that man! and I love my birthday. (;



Eli + Sariena Maternity

Remember when I posted an "announcement" about how my recently married sister was pregnant? Well, I can't believe it's already July (she's due near the end of the month) and last month I was able to do the maternity photos for them! Here is your little peak into Sariena and Eli's sweet love for each other and how adorable my little sister looks as an expectant mom! They're waiting until the baby is born to announce a name, they're having a boy. I am so excited! I am the one who made my siblings uncle and aunties and now it's my turn to become an auntie. Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment!




I can't wait to meet my sweet little nephew!
