

Maui Life

Hello friends!

Let me first start off by saying, "Merry Christmas!" I hope your year has been most enjoyable and you are excited to start with the next one. Safe to say it's been a crazy one for us! Here's an update for you:

1. We are back in Maui! We moved in August... hehe. The original plan was to only come for a visit while my sister, Sariena, was getting married but opportunity arose and we decided to move back. That's the best I can do at explaining because it was done in a way only God could do and He works in crazy ways (as we all know)! 

2. We moved (mostly, kind of, sort of) because Caleb got a job offer, he is working for a company called GP Electric. He's an apprentice and will work towards getting his journeyman's license... so he is an electrician. I'm super proud of him!
3. I'm working back at Ruby's... (: you can all laugh at me... I know I may have said over and over before about how I never wanted to be a server again. Ha! Caleb and I realized I needed to go back to work for a short season and God has completely blessed us in that decision. I'm working part time and recently received my liquor license and became a supervisor. We are learning to make wiser financial decisions and setting ourselves up for a brighter future. 
4. Harrison is turning 1 in February! I don't know if life seems like it's flying by for you, it definitely feels that way for me! I can't believe I had a child 10 months ago... He is growing way too fast. I'm excited for Harrison's first Christmas, he already has so many presents (currently the only grandson/nephew on both sides of the family) and I don't think he will have any trouble learning how to rip the wrapping paper off. 

Well, I think I will leave it at that for now! Thanks for reading this short update. We will see how I do next year with the whole blog thing... (:
