

consider yourself... updated.

Hello dear friends, i figured it was time to give a good update... i can't promise that this will be a long one but i'll try my best. (: 

Caleb and I made it safely to Oregon on the 8th of December. We enjoyed our Christmas up here together, it was fun. Caleb was able to help out with the Christmas music for the church we started going to and I was asked to sing a song. The people here are pretty nice, but kind of a different mentality than Maui... but i guess that's just the mainland in general. (;

We're having fun... Caleb's going up to Seattle today to get our truck. Please pray for his safety as he and our friend Gene are going over the snowy pass. It can be pretty dangerous this time of year. Above is a photo of us when we went to get the mail... and below is a photo of the house our friends are renting (we're splitting the rent), our room is the top left window. (: it's pretty cozy. More photo's will come soon, probably not a ton on here but you can check my facebook.
We've applied at some placed for jobs so we're just waiting to hear back... Mostly we've just been enjoying spending time together and with our good friends the Way's. We don't have much but it's nice to be living simply... hehe. God has been so good and we are so appreciative of all your prayers. <3


Revelation 21:22-27

And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb.
And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God
gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. By its light will the nations walk,
and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it, 
and its gates will never be shut by day—
and there will be no night there. They will bring into it glory and the honor of the nations.
But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable
or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of Life.


Inspiration for something Inspiring.

hello loved ones! I need your help.

As you all most likely know I am an avid photographer. Especially as of lately... (: so, with that said, I'm expanding my photographic experience. This coming weekend I have 3 photo shoot's that I am doing and I'm hoping these three will jump start my creativity into a field I want to pursue. So I have two favors to ask those of you who are reading this. 

Would you please keep me in prayer as I'm trying to develop my talent and mature in my passion for this field... and would you possibly give me suggestions for a killer name? 

When I first wanted to become a "photographer" about 6 or so years ago I named my photography, "Eleos Photography." Eleos is the Greek word for compassion. So I still like that name but I'm not sure if that's what I want. I would love to hear some of your suggestions... trying to steer clear of "Sharon McLellan Photography" or something along those lines. Anyway, the reason I'm asking is because I want to start a photo blog and tell you all about my photographic journeys. (: I will name the blog the name I choose. Thanks for your help/interest! Here's a link to ma' flickrrrr.



day off!


well, today i had the day off... and surprise, surprise, i woke up sick. ): sore throat, head congestion, and runny nose. fun. fun. fun. anyways, i decided to come to church tonight cause i hate being at home all alone at night. i scare myself sometimes, my mind gets the best of me. so i'm at church right now listening to Caleb practice worship with the band. But a lot has been going on lately and i wanted to update all of you on these changes! sound exciting? keep reading...

late last month my parents called all of us to the house for a "family meeting." my dad sat us all down and began to tell us that for the past few weeks they had been praying over an amazing opportunity. Our current Pastor, Dominic Done, has been accepted to go to Oxford, England (where he's from) to continue his education and studies in theology. It's an incredible opportunity for him! So with much prayer and consideration Pastor Dominic asked my dad to step up as the new pastor. My dad is currently the worship pastor and one of the elders at the church, we as a family have been serving at Calvary Chapel South Maui for about 6 years. It's soooo exciting! My mom has always said that she's known that my father is called to be a pastor... we just never knew in what timing it would all come about. of course, my dad won't be continuing as the worship leader but over the past year God has been preparing Caleb to step up and fill the position. craziness. so now i'm married to the worship leader. (: and my dad is the Pastor! hehe. 

please keep my family and the body of Christ in your prayers through this transition. It's an amazing time that I know God has complete control over but when God sees something as good the enemy wants to taint and stir up commotion. So just pray that love and understanding would fill the body and everything would transition smoothly.

you can go to the church website here to hear Pastor Dom's message:


i love life.

hello blogging world! 

so sorry it has been awhile since my last post. I don't have internet at my house for the time being and I don't like updating my blog from my phone (it never turns out how i like). sooo yeah. 

First things first... Caleb and I hit our one year anniversary!!! hooray! the year went by ridiculously fast, it was cwazy. we've had so much fun and we're looking forward to many many many more happy years to come. it seems like for now we're going to be here in Maui for a bit. I have no idea how long that is... til further notice, i guess. BUT WE'RE NOT GETTING A PUPPY! ): *sniff* 

So I feel we have finally figured out who we are as a couple! Not completely obviously... I'm simply talking about the tiny department of home decor. We repainted our house to a nice light gray color that looks awesome! it is very tranquil, and easy on the eyes... and super fun to decorate around. We finally picked out photo's to print up and put them in frames, and at the moment we're rearranging our rooms getting them into the exact way we want them. I love change so it's fun decorating and making our home even more so our own. (: 

anyways, I don't want to make this too lengthy. i love you all! thanks for reading. 



20 years.

hello blogging world! well, despite my hope of wanting to update more than once a month, it has been over a month since my last post. ): but i'm here again to tell all that you've missed in the life of the McLellan's.

if someone out there who read my last post prayed for work to pick up I say, "bless your soul!" just in this past week/ the last week of June I think I've worked more than I had all month. So many more condo's almost everyday, it's awesome!

I turned 20 on the 7th! Happy Birthday to Meeee... (: it was a good day. Caleb surprised me by taking the day off for both of us. He made me breakfast in bed and also bought me a birthday starbucks. He's such a good husband! the most amazing actually. Then we just spent the day together, we went into town and had a good time. As you may or may not know I share my birthday with my Papa! it's great fun... this year we decided to celebrate (on the 9th) by going out to a nice dinner, me+dad+significant others. oh, and our birthday was on the 7th which was a wednesday which is our midweek service... so that night at church the congregation sang us "happy birthday" and there was a huge costco cake to eat.

My Dad is going to be teaching every Wednesday for the month of July, so Caleb will be leading worship every week. Caleb will also be watching over our college group this month. The guy who is in charge, Joey Markoya, is getting married on the 17th to my amazing friend, Jesse. So they're getting married in Oregon which is where he's from and won't be back 'til the end of the month. whew. Which brings me to my next paragraph...

I'm going to OREGON! woohoo! except, Caleb's not going. ): I am indeed a bridesmaid in the Markoya wedding! I'm really excited cause I really like the Portland area of Oregon and that's where I'll be. (: I'll be gone for a week and i will miss Caleb with all my heart. But he's going to get some stuff done around the house so i'm really excited to see what it looks like when I get back. (It's somewhat of a surprise!) Anyways, sorry I'm so long winded right now, I better wrap this up. (:



60th post.

so I've had this blog for a while now and I'm only on my 60th post. I'm so horrible at updating! but here we go...

My "new" job has been going well... we're coming into the slow tourist season here and, since I clean vacation condo's, work is slowing down. So if you're reading this just pray that it would pick up soon and that we would be able to continue full time work. The good thing is that we don't need to worry... cause God is in complete control. I completely believe that but it's interesting to go through seasons when you are truly tested in those beliefs. God's purpose is always that we come out stronger yet more dependable on Him. (: He's so good to us!

Umm, after growing out my hair for two years I chopped most of it off. It now falls right around my shoulders. lots of layers. and bangs. and OH MY GOSH! I missed having short hair! But I am proud of myself for having long hair for a significant amount of time. So here's a photo for you... I tried to take it in secret so it looks a little funny. Next time I think I'll go a little shorter. (;

I'm trying to prioritize my time a little better. It feels good, cause just by doing that (being organized) I accomplish so much more. My mind is clear and I know what I need to do and how much time I have to do it before I move on to the next thing. It's been really good... Married life is really different than I thought it would be. I know it may come naturally for some people, but I thought when we got married and lived in our own place it would be really easy to keep every thing clean and organized. I would be more on top of the house cause it was mine and everything in it belonged to us... but that wasn't the case exactly. haha. So now I'm learning to keep the house in a state of cleanliness and tidiness. It's not perfect, but that's okay, it's home... at least it's not a state of chaos-ness.

I'm going to be in Oregon this summer for my friend Jesse's wedding. I talked about her in my last entry. She got engaged in the middle of April and has the date set for July 17th. It's been really fun around here lately. Another friend is getting married over here in a couple weeks. So we're having a couple showers and all that business. Right now I'm planning Jesse's bridal shower and it's a ton of fun. I think... maybe... someday... I might like to be a wedding planner or have a party planning business. If I could take the stress. but so far no stress with this party so it's all good! I just think it would be a blast to plan all these parties and make them all different and have themes and transform everyone's ideas of a "typical party". Just a thought. For right now I'm having fun planning it with the new organized me.

Anyways, I think that's enough for now. So until next time! hopefully it won't be in a couple months. (;


it is time.

Today is my day off. It' been a delightful day off so far. I got up and spent the morning in a new coffee shop where the coffee was so hot it burned my tongue! but the mocha i had was quite delicious... sidenote: for some odd reason i have the urge to spell delicious like delishus. don't ask me why.

I was blessed with the opportunity to spend a majority of the morning with Jesse Van Kirk. It's always so good to hang out with old friends. I've known Jesse for about three years now and it's so cool to see how much we both have grown yet still remain good friends. Especially just with the point that we are at in our lives. There's so much change going on, people are moving on, getting married, having kids... it's crazy. But i enjoy the ride.

I always feel like I have nothing to update on! haha, but i realize that there are people out there who just want to know what's going on, especially since i'm so so so horrible at keeping in touch. So this is what's "new," I quit my job at the Diner. (woohoo!) Just time to move on I guess. I didn't feel like I had a career as a waitress in my future so it wasn't hard to "let go." It's been a good job on and off over the past two years, I've enjoyed the experience and knowledge I've gained and I will miss all my friends/co-workers.... I won't even begin on the list of things I WON'T miss. hehe. (; So now you may be asking, "are you unemployed? do you have another job lined up?" and, i do! I now work for a good friend of mine and we clean condo's! I enjoy it so much, which sounds silly cause I'm not a very neat and tidy type of person. But i feel it's a very satisfying experience to go into a condo that a tourist has totally thrashed and turn it around into a sparkling clean suite ready for the next guest in merely hours! And you get to fold the towels all fancy so it's fun. There's still room for improvement; i'm learning... but i hope to learn the in's and out's real fast and become a great asset. (:



whew. so now we greet a new year. craziness. 2009 was full of so many new adventures, i'm really excited to see what God has in store this year.

i suddenly had an urge to blog. i think it's cause i like the nostalgic feel it gives me... and the postal service just came on over the radio so i couldn't resist the urge.

life is the same old thing, Caleb and I are working lotsss. still getting settled into our place. piecing together one room at a time. I really feel like it's starting to become home. We started painting, so that's super fun! the photo is what we've finished so far... (:

anyways, i have to get back to work...

today i saw some tourists taking photo's of themselves hugging palm trees. hahaha.