

anyone looking for an update?...

whew! we made it through january!... well, almost. (; school starts up next week already... orientation on friday. this is cwazy! haha, but i'm so stoked and so ready to start this next semester. i'll admit, i actually missed school over break. do you find that odd? i think it's kind of sad considering this is my last semester. i'm super excited to graduate. i'm also getting excited to meet all these "new" students. there's a lot returning from last semester so i don't know any of them but they all know each other. so once again i get to be one of the new kids. i would ask that you would please pray for this next semester, for unity and things like that in the student body. also academically and spiritually... we need focus and our hearts to be tuned into God's voice and His leading in each of our lives. that's why we're here, isn't it? so yeah, i'm just really stoked. i have a good feeling about this semester, i know it'll be a great one!

i know i haven't updated in forever! i apologize. sometimes i just don't know what to say cause nothing is really going on. ha. i've just been hanging out, not really doing much. i'm almost a week ahead on chuck tracks... i'm trying to write some new songs... trying to catch up on taking photo's... i tend to forget how much of a night owl i really am. kind of frustrating when you feel motivated to do all this stuff but you can't cause it's the middle of the night. 

let's see... what else. today is mine and Caleb's 10 month anniversary. so we had a nice day just chilling with each other and really had a good chance to just refocus and all that relationship type stuff. he's such a blessing to me, i appreciate him so much. 

this past weekend we both went up to Hosmer's grove with the high schoolers in the church to camp for the night. there was about 14 of us. it was pretty fun, pretty chill, and pretty cold! it's at an elevation of like 8,000 ft. (2,438.4 meters) pretty high up there... but it was nice to do something different. i wanted to post a photo from our nature walk, but blogger is being really slow or something? i don't know. it's just not uploading my photo and i've been trying for the past hour.... oh well. next time there will be photo's if blogger decides to cooperate!



time for another update, i suppose. :)

life back in Maui is slow... i like the island life but still it's so hard to escape from that island fever. but, it's beautiful here, the weather is great, the wind is blowing softly, the palm trees are swaying... hmm. oh, it's also whale season! all the whales swim down from the cold waters up in alaska to the warm shallow waters  that lie between the islands; they come to make babies and give birth. sometimes we go on boats to go "whale watching". that's always fun, but it's only once in awhile every other season... they come between November to May. it's super cool cause your just at the beach, chilling, tanning, no big deal.... and then... all of the sudden... a ginormous 40 foot whale jumps out of the ocean! cwazy cwazy. i was thinking to grab my telephoto lens next time i go to the beach and try to snap a few shots. (: that'd be rad! the photo is from last year (2008)  around february? end of january? something like that. it's a momma whale and a baby whale. 

anyways, there's not much to update on. i'm considering starting chuck tracks soon... maybe... considering... we'll see how ahead i get before the semester starts.... wishful thinking. (; other than that i've recently become slightly addicted to the game bejeweled on my itouch. it's a fun game. haha. oh, and tomorrow marks the official "job hunting" day. wish me luck! i don't want to go back to work at Ruby's... so don't ask. (: 


my best friend.

i love you, Caleb Benjamin!